Ashuganj To Nowapara Train Schedule & Ticket price

 Ashuganj To Nowapara Train Schedule & Ticket price. Right here are the details about Ashuganj to Nowapara Intercity trains. A number of Intercity trains run to this railway route. Here we have shared is Ashuganj to Nowapara train schedule list.

In the modern age, man is busy with his daily activities and worldly affairs. He does not have time to enjoy the beauty of nature and refresh himself. Traveling by train can serve him well. If you want to travel from Ashuganj to Nowapara then you will benefit from knowing the schedule and ticket price of this post.

Ashuganj To Nowapara Train Schedule & Ticket price

The train is the best communication service provider and the train journey is very safe and entertaining that and other transports. At present, there are many train destinations. Ashuganj to Nowapara is one of them. If you want to travel on the route, then this article is for you. Here are all the train schedules and ticket prices are available.

Ashuganj To Nowapara Train Schedule:

I want to provide you with the Intercity train schedules and ticket price of the Ashuganj to Nowapara Route. There is only one Intercity train name Jayantika Express on the. Right here are the details about Ashuganj to Nowapara Intercity trains. Here we have is Ashuganj to Nowapara train schedule. follow the chart. 

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Jayantika Express (717) No 13:01 14:55

Ashuganj To Nowapara Train Ticket price:

Ashuganj to Nowapara train ticket price is relatively lower than some others. There are seven types of train ticket prices and all the ticket prices are gathered in the below table.

Seat Category Ticket Price
Shuvon 75
Shuvon Chair 85
First Seat 115
First Birth 170
Snigdha 167
AC 196
AC Birth 294

If you already know anything else about this Ashuganj to Nowapara route on the Bangladesh Railway. Thanks for visiting this website.

Here are some caveats: Train travel is as comfortable as it is difficult. For example, there are many types of fraudsters who snatch money from passengers in various ways. You have to be careful about that. Something given by a stranger cannot be eaten. You have to take care of your own product. Train windows must be kept closed while the train is running. You can’t smoke on the train. Thank you for staying with me and visiting the site.

Ben Watson

Ben Watson is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Watson spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera.

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