Joypurhat to Nawapara train schedule & Ticket Price

Joypurhat to Nawapara train schedule & Ticket Price. The topic we will talk about is the Nawapara train from Joypurhat. The train is a very important part of us. Train travel saves people both time and money. There was a time when trains could not be found without such an important part. But now train communication has improved so much that trains are also available in remote areas of the country.

Joypurhat to Nawapara train schedule & Ticket Price 

The train is one of the main parts of our daily life. It serves the best communication service to its passengers. Today we will discuss train, time, and ticket price from Joypurhat to Nawapara. How many trains are there? And I will discuss how to book a train ticket.

The Distance Joypurhat to Nawapara:

Joypurhat to Nawapara is a long-distance route, and Nowapara is about 360 km far from Joypurhat. If the distance of the train journey is less, it is not comfortable. Since the distance from Joypurhat to Nawapara is more. As a result, your journey will be beautiful and comfortable.

Joypurhat to Nawapara train list:

Two Intercity trains run on Joypurhat to Nawapara Route they take around six hours to cover the distance. train on Joypurhat to Nawapara Route has all the modern facilities. starting from simple and cheap qualities seats. 

  1. Rupsha Express.728
  2. Simanta Express.748

Joypurhat to Nawapara train schedule:

Two Intercity trains run on Joypurhat to Nawapara Route. The train schedule and train ticket price put hare have been updated as per the updates of Bangladesh Railway. Changes may come from time to time by the railway authority. 

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (728) Thursday 11:26 17:49
Simanta Express (748) Monday 21:35 03:23

Joypurhat to Nawapara train Ticket Price:

Train tickets are not expensive. It is cheaper than regular bus tickets. Thousands of people travel on this route every day. Below is the price of the ticket

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 295
Shuvon Chair 355
First Seat 475
First Birth 710
Snigdha 590
AC 710
Ac Birth 1065

Booking Train Ticket Joypurhat to Nawapara Online:

you have to register on the Bangladesh Railway Esheba website. you will not be able to buy a ticket before register on the railway Esheba website.

How To Buy a Joypurhat to Nawapara Ticket By Mobile:

passenger can buy. booking intercity train tickers via Robi, Grameenphone, and Banglalink ltd. the provided better service. you have to register first. for registration, you have to go to the mobile message option first. Then type TKET snd send it to 1200. When your registration completes, then you will get a return SMS from the mobile operator. In this SMS, they will send you a pine. Then you will buy a train ticket by following the steps below.

Nawapara Tourist spots:

  • Jess Garden Park
  • Godkhali Flower Garden
  • Jessore Collectorate Building
  • Shahi Mosque
  • Binodia Family Park
  • Eleven Shiv Temple Complex
  • Benapole Border Gate
  • Imam Bara
  • Mound of Dam Dam Peer

All information was based on the railway’s official website. May your journey be happy. This is our goal. We hope you come to our site and get some good information. If you need to know about any other train schedule, come back to our site and search.

Ben Watson

Ben Watson is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Watson spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera.

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