Nandina to Dhaka train schedule & ticket price 2023

Nandina to Dhaka train schedule & ticket price. Nandina to Dhaka is one of the busiest train routes in Bangladesh. if you want to go to the capital Dhaka from the Nandina. Traveling by train would be a comfortable way for you. So we’re here with all the necessary information for your trip, train schedule Nandina to Dhaka with ticket price based on Bangladesh Railway. I will highlight all the issues. You stay with us.

The Distance Nandina to Dhaka by train:

The train distance from Nandina to Dhaka is about 167 kilometers. According to all the details of this route, Bangladesh Railway fixes the train schedule for Nandina to the Dhaka train route.

Nandina to Dhaka train list:

An Intercity train runs on Nandina to Dhaka train route. this train is very comfortable and I hope you can enjoy it well.

Brahmaputra Express (744)

Nandina to Dhaka train schedule:

Brahmaputra Express is one of the fastest and popular trains in Bangladesh. running from Nandina to Dhaka. it has all the modern facilities of an Intercity train like food contain, prayer place, clean toilet, security guard and more. 

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Brahmaputra Express (744) No 07:51 12:40

Nandina to Dhaka train ticket price:

Train tickets are cheaper than regular bus tickets. there are different classes of low-cost medium and luxurious seats within the train of Bangladesh. Details about Akkelpur to Dhaka train ticket prices are given within the list below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 150
Shuvon Chair 180
First Seat 240
First Birth 360
Snigdha 345
AC 414
Ac Birth 621

How to Booking Train Ticket Nandina to Dhaka Online:

you have to register on the Bangladesh Railway Esheba website. you will not be able to buy a ticket before register on the railway Esheba website.


May your journey be happy. This is our goal. We hope you come to our site and get some good information. If you need to know about any other train schedule


Ben Watson

Ben Watson is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Watson spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera.

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