Akhaura to Laksam Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Akhaura to Laksam Train Schedule & Ticket Price. You want to travel from Akhaura to the Laksam train. And you need the train schedules and ticket prices. Laksam is an Upazila of Comilla district, and Akhaura is an Upazila of Brahmanbaria district, a district under Chittagong. Carefully follow the text below. So that you can understand better and can easily travel from Akhaura to Laksam.

Akhaura to Laksam Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Laksam Upazila Comilla district. it is bounded by Comilla Sadar Dakshin and Barura Upazila on the north, Nangalkot and Manohorganj Upazila on the south, Nangalkot and Comilla Sadar Dakshin Upazila on the east, Barura and Shahrasti Upazila on the west.

Akhaura to Laksam Distance:

The distance from Akhaura to Laksam is 72 km. The distance is a bit longer but it will be comfortable due to having improved train.

Akhaura to Laksam Train list:

There are 7 intercity train Akhaura to laksam route.These trains reach from one station to another very fast. So that the time of the passengers is saved. The name of the train is given below.

  1. Mohanagar Provati.
  2. Upakul Express.
  3. Paharika Express.
  4. Mohanagar Express.
  5. Udayan Express.
  6. Turna Express.
  7. Bijoy Express.

Akhaura to Laksam Train Schedule :

Here is a table below where you will get a list of the Intercity trains, and you will also get the off days. Departure and arrival times.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Mohanagar Provati (704) No 10:10 11:35
Upakul Express (712) Tuesday 17:55 19:40
Paharika Express (720) Sat 15:10 17:00
Mohanagar Express (722) Sunday 00:05 02:15
Udayan Express (724) Sunday 01:55 03:35
Turna Express (742) No 02:15 03:51
Bijoy Express (786) Tuesday 00:50 03:05

Akhaura to Laksam Train Ticket Price:

The price of a train ticket is cheaper than the price of a bus ticket. There are also some VIP seats for a comfortable journey, but you have to pay a lot against the seats.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 75
Shuvon Chair 90
First Seat 115
First Birth 175
Snigdha 167
AC 202
AC Birth 299

Booking Train Ticket Akhaura to Laksam Online:

you have to register on the Bangladesh Railway Esheba website. you will not be able to buy a ticket before register on the railway Esheba website.

Link: Click Here.  esheba.cnsbd.com

How To Buy a  Train Akhaura to Laksam Ticket By Mobile:

passenger can buy. booking intercity train tickers via Robi, Grameenphone, and Banglalink ltd. the provided better service. you have to register first. for registration, you have to go to the mobile message option first. Then type TKET snd send it to 1200. When your registration completes, then you will get a return SMS from the mobile operator. In this SMS, they will send you a pine. Then you will buy a train ticket by following the steps below.

Laksam Tourist spots:

  • Mainimati Ruins
  • Ithakhola Mura
  • Jagannath Temple
  • Ahsan Manzil
  • Sonargaon

Here are some caveats: Train travel is as comfortable as it is difficult. For example, there are many types of fraudsters who snatch money from passengers in various ways. You have to be careful about that. Something given by a stranger cannot be eaten. You have to take care of your own product. Train windows must be kept closed while the train is running. You can’t smoke on the train.

Ben Watson

Ben Watson is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Watson spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera.

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