Laksam To Sylhet Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Laksam to Sylhet train schedule and ticket price. Are you thinking of going from Laksam to Sylhet by train and looking for to Sylhet train schedule and ticket price?

ow far is Sylhet from Laksam. How many trains are there on this route? We will discuss the ticket price and services.Sylhet District (Sylhet division) It is bounded by the Meghalaya state of India on the north, Maulvibazar district on the south, the Assam state of India on the east, Sunamganj and Habiganj districts on the west.

The Distance between Laksam to Sylhet is not so far. you can easily travel by train.Many of these trains have modern facilities and services.they make your jourrney comfortable. 

Laksam to Sylhet Distance:

 Bangladesh Railway shows that the distance from Laksam to Sylhet by rail is 230kilometers. but the Distance from Laksam to Sylhet by road is 256 kilometers according to Bangladesh National portal.

Laksam to Sylhet intercity train schedule:

There are 2 intercity trains available. Intercity trains are so fast and it doesn’t stop regular intervals. If you are ready to start Laksam to Sylhet Train Journey, this post will help you to get the Laksam To Sylhet Train Schedule. 

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Paharika  Express (719) Mon 11:25 18:00
Udayan Express (723) Satur 00:01 06:00

Laksam to Sylhet Mail Train Schedule:

There is only one mail express train available is Jalalabad express. you can travel safely by these trains. you can see the schedule given below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Jalalabad Express (13) No 23:15 11:00

Laksam to Sylhet Train Ticket price:

you have to take care of the Bangladesh railway schedule. Laksam to Sylhet train ticket price. 

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 215
Shuvon Chair 260
First Seat 345
First Birth 515
Snigdha 495
AC 593
Ac Birth 892

Booking Train Ticket Laksam to Sylhet Online:

you have to register on the Bangladesh Railway Esheba website. you will not be able to buy a ticket before register on the railway Esheba website.


Bangladesh train is safe but you have to stay alert and Keep your goods carefully and take care of them. Never jump from the running train.

Ben Watson

Ben Watson is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Watson spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera.

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