Mymensing To Dhaka Train schedules & Ticket Price

Mymensing To Dhaka Train schedules & Ticket Price. Here I will give you the schedule for the Mymensing to Dhaka train. you will also be able to know the train ticket price of Mymensingh to Dhaka train. there are also some safety e-travel tips to ensure the best travel experience. Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh. If you want to go from Mymensingh to Dhaka by train. first, you need to know Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price.

The distance from Mymensingh to Dhaka is not very long. The travel system has improved due to having better express than before

Mymensingh to Dhaka Distance:

The distance from Mymensingh to Dhaka by rail is 123 kilometers. According to the survey contacted by Bangladesh Railway. And according to Bangladesh National portal, the distance from Mymensingh to Dhaka by road is 121 kilometers.

Mymensingh to Dhaka to intercity train list:

  1. Tista Express
  2. Brahmaputra Express
  3. Jamuna Express
  4. Haor Express
  5. Agnibina Express
  6. Mohanganj Express

Mymensingh to Dhaka to mail train list:

  1. Dewanganj commuter.
  2. Jamalpur commuter .
  3. Isha Khan Express.
  4. Mahua Express.
  5. Vawal Express.
  6. Balaka commuter 

Mymensing To Dhaka intercity Train schedules:

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Tista express (708) Mon 17:07 20:25
Aghnibina express (736) No 19:52 15:00
Brahmaputra express (744) No 09:00 12:40
Jamuna express (746) No 04:20 07:45
Hawr express (778) Tues 10:18 13:50
Mohangonj express (790) Mon 01:45 05:00

Mymensingh to Dhaka mail train Schedule:

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Isha Khan express (40) No 12:00 23:00
Mahua express (44) No 17:22 21:25
Dewangonj express (48) No 15:33 19:15
Balaka commuter (50) No 13:45 17:25
Jamalpur commuter (52) No 7:33 11:15
Vawal express (56) No 5:30 11:45

How to Booking Train Ticket Mymensing to Dhaka Online:

you have to register on the Bangladesh Railway Esheba website. you will not be able to buy a ticket before register on the railway Esheba website.


Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Ticket Price:

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 120
Shuvon Chair 140
First Seat 185
First Birth 280
Snigdha 271
AC 322
Ac Birth 483

How To Buy a Mymensing to Dhaka Train Ticket By Mobile:

passenger can buy. booking intercity train tickers via Robi, Grameenphone, and Banglalink ltd. the provided better service. you have to register first. for registration, you have to go to the mobile message option first. Then type TKET snd send it to 1200. When your registration completes, then you will get a return SMS from the mobile operator. In this SMS, they will send you a pine. Then you will buy a train ticket by following the steps below.

If you would like to know the information about your return route please leave a comment and feel free to contact us if you be any future questions about this.

Ben Watson

Ben Watson is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Watson spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera.

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