Srimangal to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Srimangal to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price. Do you want to travel from Srimangal to Dhaka? Srimangal to Dhaka train route is a very popular and busy route. On the way to Dhaka, you will see rows of tall trees and clear water fountains. small rivers and Canals will catch your eye. So please follow our paragraph patiently so that your journey is beautiful and comfortable. The topic we will discuss here is Srimangal to Dhaka schedule and ticket price and how to book tickets online.

There are four intercity trains on the Srimangal Dhaka route. Right here are the details about Srimangal to Laksam intercity trains. So, the Srimangal to Dhaka mail train takes extra time than the Intercity trains. There are many intercity trains journey there on Srimangal to Dhaka trackway. Srimangal to Dhaka train schedule list is given below.

Srimangal to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you ready to travel from Srimangal to Dhaka? Follow the articles below carefully. Here you can find out about train times and ticket prices from Srimangal to Dhaka route. follow this.

The Distance Srimangal to Dhaka:

The journey distance from Srimangal to Dhaka is 70 kilometers. Even if the distance is a little longer, you will like the train journey. because this train is very comfortable.

Srimangal to Dhaka trai list:

Srimangal to Dhaka train route has only four intercity trains, Parabat Express, Jayantika Express, Upaban Express, Kalani Express. Please take a look at the list below to get more information about it.

Srimangal to Dhaka intercity Train Schedule:

Srimangal to Dhaka is one of the well-known routes. and there are many trains run from Srimangal to Dhaka. these four Intercity trains are on the route. follow the chart below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Parabat Express (710) Tues 17:55 22:40
Jayantika Express (718) Thursday 13:30 18:25
Upaban Express (740) No 02:12 06:45
Kalani Express (774) Friday 08:20 13:00

Booking Train Ticket Srimangal to Dhaka Online:

you have to register on the Bangladesh Railway Esheba website. you will not be able to buy a ticket before register on the railway Esheba website.

Srimangal to Dhaka Train Ticket Price:

Train tickets are cheaper than bus tickets. The ticket price of the train from Srimangal to Dhaka is given below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 265
Shuvon Chair 320
First Seat 425
First Birth 640
Snigdha 610
AC 736
Ac Birth 1099

How To Buy a Srimangal to Dhaka Train Ticket By Mobile:

passenger can buy. booking intercity train tickers via Robi, Grameenphone, and Banglalink ltd. the provided better service. you have to register first. for registration, you have to go to the mobile message option first. Then type TKET snd send it to 1200. When your registration completes, then you will get a return SMS from the mobile operator. In this SMS, they will send you a pine. Then you will buy a train ticket by following the steps below.


Srimangal to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price.  If you need to know the details about your return route. If you face any problem collecting the information, please inform me by adding a comment on the comment box below. Thanks a lot for being with us.

Ben Watson

Ben Watson is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Watson spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera.

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